
Boys 2 Gentlemen programming has been running in partnership with the LAUSD school system for the last nine years and is a LAUSD-certified bench provider intervention program focused on addressing the needs of boys and girls, aged seven to seventeen, who possess the lowest percentage of math and english/language arts comprehension while simultaneously possessing the highest percentage of behavioral infraction.

To date, the organization has implemented programming over 50 elementary, middle, and high school campuses and affected positive change for over 16,000 students and parents. With inner-city gang influence at an all-time high, school-aged intervention is paramount.

Boys 2 Gentlemen Programming Focus:

Boys 2 Gentlemen Values:

Boys 2 Gentlemen Goals:

Current and Past Boys 2 Gentlemen schools:

  1. 107th Street Elementary
  2.  Florence Joyner Elementary
  3. Charles Barrett Elementary
  4. 92nd Street Elementary
  5. Knox Elementary
  6. Gil Garcetti Learning Academy
  7. Woodcrest Elementary
  8. 112th Street Elementary
  9. Grape Street Elementary
  10. 93rd Street Elementary
  11. Compton Ave Elementary
  12. Manchester Elementary
  13. Loren Miller Elementary
  14. Flournoy Elementary
  15. Jack H Skirball Alliance Charter
  16. California Collegiate Charter
  17. Resolute Academy Charter
  18. Carver Middle School
  19. University Pathways High School
  20. USC Hybrid High School
  21. Bret Harte Middle
  22. Markham Middle School
  23. Diego Rivera Learning Complex
  24. 66th Street Elementary
  25. Century Street Elementary
  26. Century Academy for Excellence

Boys 2 Gentlemen program interventions have become even more crucial to the success of inner city youth since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and America’s continued struggle for racial equality.

The 2024-2025 school year will be of pivotal importance. Inner-city youth have already fallen behind academically due to pandemic-related closures, not to mention the technological inequities that were at-play.

Mindset and Mentorship 2024–2025

In August 2015, Boys 2 Gentlemen launched their first program in partnership with one school, Florence Joyner Elementary, in Los Angeles, CA. Since then, their partnership portfolio has grown to over 50 schools.

Mindset & Mentorship, continuing this Fall 2024, is a Boys 2 Gentlemen-sponsored interdisciplinary empowerment program focused on students, aged 7 to 17, primarily living in the South LA and Watts areas of Los Angeles. Monday-Friday safety, behavioral, and educational interventions follow the academic calendar of the LAUSD school system and are operated in partnership with local elementary, middle, and high schools.

Boys 2 Gentlemen has experienced a steady increase in youth participant enrollment and parent involvement over the last nine years, with current Mindset & Mentorship programming having affected positive, healthy change to over 16,000 students and parents. 2024 will see additional Mindset & Mentorship program growth, as Boys 2 Gentlemen prepares to be listed on five separate LAUSD-preferred Bench Provider vendor lists, up from three just last year.

Youth participating in Boys 2 Gentlemen programming have exceeded school system expectations by achieving and taking pride in a 70% overall increase in their understanding of new math concepts, a 65% overall increase in their reading, writing, and comprehension, and an overall 97% attendance and 98% inclusion rate. It is the mission of Boys 2 Gentlemen to continue building upon their youths’ academic performance, pride in school spirit, and increased community citizenship and inclusion while simultaneously continuing to lower behavioral referrals, truancy, and rates of violence on and off campus.

PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Pilot Program

Launched in partnership with Lovelia P. Flournoy Elementary school staff in January of 2024 and exclusively benefited 5th graders, levels Tier 2 and Tier 3.

  • Aids their Culmination Preparation
  • Aids their Personal Responsibility for Behavior
  • Aids their Self-Regulation 

Is your school interested in a PBIS-focused program on their campus?  Any elementary, middle, or high schools can apply. Please send us a note and we’ll contact you with more information.