S.T.E.M. All Stars introduces students to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics areas of study, ignites their curiosity, and stewards them towards a future pursuit of S.T.E.M.-focused college degrees.
The book also provides a few examples of careers that students may find interesting:
They can be a…!
The students of today are the scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians of tomorrow.
They hold the future of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Space Exploration, Disease Research, and Sustainability/Climate Change in their hands. Let’s help them build confidence within themselves to make the world a better place through a professional S.T.E.M. field pursuit.
S.T.E.M. All Stars was written by Keith Linton, the founder of Boys 2 Gentlemen, and include poignant forwards by Tony Linton, an electrical engineer, and Mr. Luis Heckmüller, a career educator and former LAUSD administrator in Watts, CA.
Join with us in our efforts to empower young people to seek, do, and be all the things they once thought were impossible.
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